Faculty Approval of High School Articulation Agreements

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Curriculum Committee
Articulation and Transfer
In Progress
Status Report

Unable to get a response on work on 55051 from 17-18 AY

Whereas, California Code of Regulations Title 5 §55051 states that “the term ‘articulated high school course’ means a high school course or courses that the faculty in the appropriate discipline, using policies and procedures approved by the curriculum committee established pursuant to section §55002, have determined to be comparable to a specific community college course,” [1] which suggests that policies and procedures guiding established high school articulation agreements are within the purview of local academic senates; and

Whereas, It was reported at the 2018 Curriculum Institute [2] that California Code of Regulations (CCR) Title 5 §55051 was being revised to include language that states “the nature and content of the articulated course and examination process shall be determined solely by faculty in the discipline who normally teach the course for which credit is to be granted in accordance with policies and procedures approved by the local curriculum committee established pursuant to section §55002,” and further that “the faculty shall determine that: (a) Content of the articulated course substantially corresponds to the content and rigor of the course outline of record and; (b) The examination adequately measures mastery of the course content as set forth in the course outline of record,” yet such revisions to Title 5 §55051 have yet to be made;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges work with the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office and appropriate system partners to revise California Code of Regulations Title 5 §55051 to ensure that high school articulation agreements are clearly identified as an academic and professional matter, that such articulation agreements uphold the content and rigor of college courses as established in the course outlines of record, and that such articulation agreements are developed and approved only with the consent of the college faculty with the appropriate discipline expertise and bring forward its recommendations for review and consideration for action by the 2024 Spring Plenary Session; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges develop guidance and resources for local academic senates to provide standards and effective practices for the establishment of high school articulation agreements that uphold the standards and established course outline of record of college courses by Spring 2024.


1. 2018 Curriculum Institute breakout session “Dual Enrollment – How Do We Move Forward?,” slides 30-32.
2. “Dual Enrollment – How Do We Continue to Move Forward?” (PowerPoint). https://www.asccc.org/sites/default/files/Dual%20Enrollment%20CI%202018.pptx.