Fiscal Support for Learning Resources

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Library and Learning Resources

Whereas learning resources plays a vital role in overall student success, and

Whereas minimum staffing/workload standards have been adopted and incorporated into the California Education Code, Title 5, and

Whereas the majority of learning resource centers in California community colleges have continued to be staffed significantly below prescribed levels within the law, and

Whereas accreditation standards and/or professional organizations provide that 6-9 percent of each overall college budget should be allocated to learning resources.

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urge the Chancellor to direct local districts to fund learning resources at the levels provided through the state program-based funding process, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urge the Board of Governors to insure monies provided by the state are allocated for learning resources as prescribed in Title 5. M/S/C Disposition: Board of Governors. CA Library Association. Chancellor's Office. Executive Committee. Council of Chief Librarians