ICAS Representatives' Responsibilities

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Academic Senate

Whereas the Intersegmental Committee of Academic Senates takes positions on curriculum and other academic and professional matters that have long-term and serious effects on California Community Colleges,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges representatives to the Intersegmental Committee of Academic Senates (ICAS) consult with local senates by reporting discussions, actions and any proposed ICAS positions from ICAS meetings to local senates in a timely manner, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges direct its representatives to the ICAS to be responsible for the distribution to local senates of the minutes of the meetings of the ICAS and,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges direct its representatives to the ICAS to inform local senates of the dates of ICAS meetings, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges encourage local senates to attend meetings of the ICAS.