Limit Taxpayer-funded, Need-Based Financial Aid to Public and Private Nonprofit Colleges Only

Resolution Number
State and Legislative Issues

Whereas, Need-based financial aid is awarded to students on the basis of financial necessity rather than academic merit;

Whereas, Historically, the vast majority of students have attended public or private nonprofit colleges, and thus need-based financial aid from taxpayer dollars was thought to be an investment in individuals for the good of society and not for the benefit of private investors; and

Whereas, The expansion of and aggressive marketing by for-profit colleges and universities create a situation in which need-based financial aid is additionally used to make a profit for corporate investors directly from taxpayer dollars;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges support legislation and policy directives that limit need-based financial aid packages to public and private nonprofit colleges only.

MSR Disposition: To the Executive Committee to perfect and return in Spring 2012.