Local Accreditation

Resolution Number
Assigned to

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges recommend to local senates that they accept accreditation as a primary responsibility and that they try to assure:

1. That the membership of the accreditation steering committee be appointed with the concurrence of the academic senate and contain a significant number of faculty members.

2. That a faculty chair or co-chair of the accreditation steering committee (with reassigned time) be appointed with the concurrence of the academic senate.

3. That the senate or senate council meet with members of the visiting team (jointly or separately)

4. That department chairs have an opportunity to meet with members of the visiting team (jointly or separately)

5. That the senate be intimately involved in the various stages of the accreditation self-study and its recommendations.

6. That if the senate has objections or the senate president signs the self study with reservations, that the objections or reservations be submitted in writing to the accreditation commission for distribution to the members of the visiting team.

7. That any interim reports to the commission have involvement and concurrence of the local academic senate.