Local Senates: Relations Between Districts and Local Senates

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Local Senates

Whereas Title 5, Section 53200, authorizes academic senates to make recommendations to local governing boards concerning academic and professional matters, and

Whereas in multi-college districts there can be local senates and a district senate,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges, in the spirit of unity and cooperation, urge multi-college districts to resist any action that may be interpreted as divisive or undermining the integrity of local senates, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community College urge district academic senates of multi-college districts to develop representative governance structures which support decisions of local senates derived from carrying out their role pursuant to Title 5, Section 53200, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges direct the Executive Committee to study the roles of, and relations between, district and local senates in multi-college districts and to prepare recommendations which focus on strengthening those relations and improving their effectiveness in district governance for a future session.
M/S/U DISPOSITION: Executive Committee, Local senates