Non-Credit Faculty

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Local Senates

Whereas the passage of AB 1725 has brought the reform process to community college credit instruction, but it is not entirely clear how such reforms will apply to community college non-credit instruction, and

Whereas discussion of reforms specific to non-credit instruction was deferred so that AB 1725 could move out of the discussion stage and into legislation, and

Whereas there are 15 community college districts that offer substantial non-credit programs, and

Whereas the Californians for Community Colleges has

a. Asked member organizations for their views on the effect of AB 1725 on non-credit instruction,

b. Formed a task force to identify major issues in non-credit instruction,

c. Asked the Academic Senate to appoint a member to that task force,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges study the extent to which local senates represent the concerns of their non-credit faculty in such areas mandated by AB 1725 as:

1. minimum qualifications

2. hiring

3. equivalencies

4. CB/senate consultation on faculty service areas and related issues, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges develop governance models involving non-credit faculty.