Partnerships with High Schools

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Articulation and Transfer

Whereas the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges has long encouraged a greater role for community college faculty in articulation with the public schools, and

Whereas faculty on a local level can offer significant assistance to their peers in elementary and secondary education and through assistance can also help to improve the preparation of students entering the community colleges, and

Whereas the Commission for the Review of the Master Plan in its report entitled The Master Plan Renewed has encouraged that the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges establish a pilot program or explore other means to encourage an enhanced role for faculty in dealing with the public schools,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urge the Board of Governors to propose funding in the next budget cycle and to work with the State Department of Education to develop recommendations and models for partnerships between community college faculty and teachers in the public schools and to develop a pilot program.