Performance Based Funding

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Budget and Finance
Status Report

Partnership for Excellence was enacted using a per-student distribution of funds. However, over the objection of the Academic Senate, the plan could revert to performance based funding in the fourth year if yet-to-be determined criteria are not

Whereas the Chancellor has proposed, and the Board of Governors has endorsed, the concept of performance based funding as a funding mechanism for the California Community Colleges, and

Whereas performance based funding is designed to tie college and district funding directly to outcomes on selected student achievement indicators, and the Chancellor, under the guise of "Academic Excellence," actually proposed to the Board of Governors a price list for course grades, certificates, and degrees, and

Whereas the Chancellor appears to have "backed off" tying funding directly to outcomes for this year but has indicated he is preparing the system to adopt performance based funding in subsequent years,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for the California Community Colleges oppose performance based funding as a mechanism for distributing funds to colleges and districts.