Program Based Funding and Revision of the Finance Mechanism

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Budget and Finance
Status Report

Consultation Council representatives continue to support sound elements of program-based funding.The Consultation Council representatives have continued to discuss equalization each year.Similarly, the Council will be discussing the finance mechanism.

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges has supported the basic tenets of program-based funding, as it includes program standards related to class size, the 75/25 ratio of credit instruction taught by full- to part-time faculty, library standards and other programmatic considerations, and the finance mechanism has also been cost sensitive in relation to such things as the needs of basic skills students and small and large college differentials;

Whereas, There is a call to revisit the entire finance mechanism of the community colleges, prompted in part by the desire to address issues of equalization, and some are proposing an FTES model as the mechanism for apportionment; and

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges supported the equalization proposals that were part of the unity budget packet, but believes that revising the entire formula requires a comprehensive and careful approach that prioritizes the needs of diverse students, issues of standards and quality in educational programs and services, and fairness to all;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate continue to support the sound elements of program-based funding in allocations to the colleges and districts with respect to addressing program based standards (including the 75/25 ratio of full- to part-time faculty), cost sensitivity, attention both to instruction and to student services, and the diverse needs of students;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate continue to work with other community college organizations and the Chancellor's Office to address ongoing concerns with equalization, while maintaining the core commitment to program integrity, standards and quality in the community colleges; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate work to address any revision of the finance mechanism based on a careful and comprehensive review of the finance mechanism, taking into consideration the needs of all colleges in the system and the diversity of our students, and including consideration of all system allocations, such as economic development funds and other grants received by districts.