Recent Funding Consolidation to Block Grants

Resolution Number
Budget and Finance
Status Report

Found not feasible.

Whereas, Many programs are critically dependent upon the continuance of such restricted funding as Instructional Equipment and Library Materials, Maintenance and Operations, Matriculation, CalWORKS, and Vocational Technical Education;

Whereas, The California Community College System budget was recently modified to combine or blend some of these restricted sources into several block grants, allowing for the local districts and colleges to determine the portions of allocation within each block area;

Whereas, The California Community College System budget then added additional options which allow for even more blending, such as declaring the ability for some districts to use Instructional Equipment and Library Materials and Maintenance and Operations funding for Partnership for Excellence reduction offset; and

Whereas, The impact of such changes could devastate these programs where local control is inappropriately implemented;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges, through research and survey, seek to ascertain what methods are being used to determine the budget allocations of the recently modified restricted funding areas, such as Instructional Equipment and Library Materials and Maintenance and Operations funds vs. conversion to PFE replacement, and to determine, if possible, the impact these allocations may have.