Review of Chancellor’s Office Oversight of Initiatives

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Executive Committee
Consultation with the Chancellor's Office
In Progress
Status Report

We have had some conversations on this, but I do not think we have really resolved it.

Whereas, The Common Assessment Initiative, Education Planning Initiative, and Online Education Initiative are academic initiatives that require sufficient technological resources to be successful, not simply technology infrastructure initiatives, and yet the primary oversight from the Chancellor’s Office is through the Institutional Effectiveness Division, not the Educational Services Division[1]; and

Whereas, The Academic Senate paper Ensuring the Appropriate Use of Educational Technology: An Update for Local Academic Senates (adopted Spring 2008) asserts that “Technology in all its shapes and forms should be used to enhance and accomplish that fundamental vision — not to supplant it with a different reality, or worse, a poor substitute,” and furthermore this paper recommends that “Colleges should ensure that their technology infrastructure provides support that promotes educational success for faculty and students”;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urge the Chancellor’s Office to review its oversight structure for the Common Assessment Initiative, Education Planning Initiative, and Online Education Initiative to ensure that all decision-making regarding the technology resources for these initiatives is driven by their core academic purposes and not driven by technology.


[1] The Chancellor’s Office is undergoing a reorganization in which Academic Affairs, Student Services and Workforce and Economic Development will be housed within the new Educational Services Division, which will report to the Vice Chancellor of Educational Services.  More information is available at