Rights and Responsibilities of Local Academic Senates

Resolution Number
Assigned to
State and Legislative Issues
Status Report

Carried forth in discussions of SB6 with Senator's representative; such efforts were removed from that bill. Continue to monitor legislation and system activities.

Whereas, Legislation is being introduced in the California Legislature designed to implement the new Master Plan for Education;

Whereas, Parts of this legislation seek to remove or amend current law with regard to the rights and responsibilities of the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges and of local senates to "assume primary responsibility for making recommendations in the areas of curriculum and academic standards," presently provided for in Education Code 70901 and 70902 and further detailed entitle 5; and

Whereas, Parts of this legislation seek to move to the Chancellor's Office authority for certain academic and professional matters, such as curriculum approval and setting graduation requirements;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges oppose any legislation that curtails or eliminates the rights of the Academic Senate or local academic senates to be the primary authorities on all academic and professional matters, as currently outlined in Education Code and Title 5; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges oppose any legislation that removes the authority for decisions on academic and professional matters from local senates to a centralized administrative state body, such as the State Chancellor's Office or the Board of Governors.