Standardized Procedures for Determining Advanced Placement Exam Equivalencies

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Articulation and Transfer
Develop a recommended procedure for determining Advanced Placement course equivalency; and encourage local academic senates to develop and implement standardized procedures for determining Advanced Placement course equivalency. MSC Disposition: Local Senates
Status Report


Whereas, 1.2 million, or 21%, of students in the Class of 2004 took at least one Advanced Placement course (Epstein, David. A New AP, Inside Higher Education, May 26, 2005);

Whereas, Title 5 requires that it be discipline faculty that determine Advanced Placement course equivalency, that the curriculum committee approve Advanced Placement course equivalency, and that publication of the course equivalency be included on transcripts (Title 5 55052);

Whereas, Many California community college faculty are unfamiliar with Advanced Placement course content and practices and with Advanced Placement examination criteria and scoring; and

Whereas, California community colleges may have outdated or unpublished Advanced Placement course equivalency guidelines;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges develop a recommended procedure for determining Advanced Placement course equivalency; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges encourage local academic senates to develop and implement standardized procedures for determining Advanced Placement course equivalency. MSC Disposition: Local Senates