Student Health Fees

Resolution Number
State and Legislative Issues
Status Report

Made such arguments in Consultation and at Board of Governors.

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges has long opposed mandatory student fees;

Whereas, Good health is a vital prerequisite to student success, but on-campus health services are experiencing a fiscal crisis; and

Whereas, There is a current legislative proposal to eliminate the health fee waiver for low-income students;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges encourage the development of a long-term plant provide state-funded, on-campus health center coverage to California community college students that matches that presently provided to California State University and University of California students; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges support a short-term solution to the fiscal crisis in health service funding provided that: the elimination of any existing fee waiver include a sunset date, no additional fees are imposed beyond the current maximum, unless students in each local district vote to self-impose any fee increase, the quality of student health services is restored and/or improved. MSCDisposition: CoFO, Board of Governors, Consultation Council, Chancellor