In Support of Completing Cycle Two of the Baccalaureate Program Approval Process

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Executive Committee
State and Legislative Issues

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges has supported the creation of appropriate baccalaureate degrees at the community college level [1] after completion of a five-year pilot [2] period plus a first round of baccalaureate degree programs created under AB 927 (Medina, 2021);

Whereas, Many graduates of community college programs are either interested in attaining an applied baccalaureate degree or desire a baccalaureate degree but are unable to participate in programs offered at California State University or University of California institutions due to constraints such as distance, cost, or other responsibilities that constrain the ability to physically attend a university;

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges supports cooperation across the intersegmental groups, yet aside from a letter [3] to the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office and the California Community Colleges Board of Governors from Senator Josh Newman, Chair of the Senate Education Committee, and Assemblymember Mike Fong, Chair of Assembly Committee on Higher Education, no evidence has come to light indicating a critical or immediate need to refine the duplication consultation process, criteria, or the current resolution process for disputes that would justify delays in completing the cycle two application process; and

Whereas, The cycle one application process was paused to allow intersegmental collaboration and refinement of the approval process, including the resolution process for disputes, resulting in the resubmission of program applications previously submitted but not completed in cycle one and creating a back-log within the system;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges support the completion of cycle two baccalaureate degree applications.


1. Resolution 6.06 S21 Support AB 927 (Medina, 2021) As of April 9, 2021:   
2. SB 850 (Block, 2014):
3. Joint Letter to CCC Leaders (April 18, 2023):