Support for New California Articulation Number (CAN) Model

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Intersegmental Issues
Status Report

Memo to CIAC and provided to ICAS and ASCIO reminded others of ASCCC position.

Whereas, the California Articulation Number (CAN) System has provided a numbering system for effective articulation and transfer;

Whereas, The draft of the new CAN Articulation Model indicates an expansion of CAN numbering to include not only required courses within a major or discipline but also elective courses and prerequisites for the completion of the major;

Whereas, The draft of the new CAN Articulation model emphasizes the primacy of discipline-faculty review and intersegmental collaboration including IMPAC with the inclusion of complementary faculty articulation concepts; and

Whereas, The draft of the new model proposes
1)development of a web-based and more efficient template for CAN descriptors,
2) a statewide approach to articulation with a five-year review cycle for all courses within all disciplines, and
3)increased specificity in CAN course descriptors;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges support the new California Articulation Number (CAN) System Articulation Model dated September 2002; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges commend the CAN Board for its ongoing collaborative efforts with other faculty-driven intersegmental articulation projects, such as IMPAC and ASSIST.