Support for Senates Fighting for Shared Governance

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Local Senates
Status Report

The Academic Senate continues to fulfill its role as a resource to local senates. It has been the position of this president, however, that the Academic Senate cannot and should not play the role of cavalry, and that local battles must be fought and won locally.

Whereas, Shared governance in under attack at many California community colleges;

Whereas, Interpretation of Title 5 is being twisted to conform to a corporate model rather than honoring the academic and professional roles of faculty in college governance and related academic and professional matters; and

Whereas, The Chancellor's legal counsel has issued a legal opinion that interprets Title 5 in a way that significantly narrows the role of faculty in college governance and related academic and professional matters;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate actively support and provide assistance to local senates that are fighting to retain faculty roles, responsibilities, and rights as defined in code and regulation;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate work with those local senates to pursue redress for violations via the Chancellor's Office complaint process; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate vigorously urge the Chancellor to uphold the law and require that local colleges and districts do the same. MSC Disposition: Board of Governors, Chancellor's Office, Local Senates