Support for Student Success Courses

Resolution Number
Assigned to
General Concerns
Status Report

Sort of addressed by SSSP, but not directly.

Whereas, Many students lack effective time management and study skills when entering California community colleges;

Whereas, Student success courses provide students with valuable instruction in such areas as study skills, time management, and other student success behaviors; and

Whereas, Students without these skills often struggle to complete courses, and research1 has shown that completing a student success course improves student persistence and aids in the transition from basic skills to college level courses;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urge local academic senates to encourage all students who can benefit to enroll in a student success course during their first term at the college; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urge local academic senates to collaborate with their administrations to ensure additional resources are allocated to provide student success courses for all students who can benefit.


1See, for example, Laura Hope’s “Literature Review of Student Success Courses,” produced by The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement Of Teaching, or Santa Monica College’s “Examining the Relationship between Freshman Seminars, Student Achievement, and Persistence: A Study of First-Time Santa Monica College Students Enrolled in Counseling 20.”