Technology Paper

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Educational Policies Committee
Academic Senate
Revise and republish Technology in Education: A Collection of Academic Senate Papers on Technology, Second Edition, Summer '02) with the inclusion of Impact of Computer Technology on Student Access and Success.
Status Report

The position paper Ensuring the Appropriate Use of Educational Technology: An Update for Local Academic Senates was adopted Spring Session 2008.

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges papers on technology are invaluable resources for faculty to guide program and curricular decisions;

Whereas, The collection of papers Technology in Education: A Collection of Academic Senate Papers on Technology, Second Edition, Summer '02) contains some outdated information; and

Whereas, The Impact of Computer Technology on Student Access and Success was written in the spring of '03, after the collection of technology papers was published;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges revise and republish Technology in Education: A Collection of Academic Senate Papers on Technology, Second Edition, Summer '02) with the inclusion of Impact of Computer Technology on Student Access and Success. MSC Disposition: Local Senates