Tracking Accreditation Expenditures

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Budget and Finance
Found Not Feasible
Recommend to local senates that they consult collegially about their local accreditation process and how that is reflected in the budget process and use this information to hold robust conversations about faculty involvement and costs of accreditation. Recommend to local senates that the results of this discussion be used locally to evaluate the contributions of these processes and expenditures in order to promote effective use of financial resources and faculty involvement in the accreditation process.
Status Report

A previous Resolution F02 2.03 Documentation of Cost of Implementing New Standards was found not feasible, because "Costs are too integrated into past accreditation activities and are inseparable from additional present requirements due to accountability measures for other reporting such as ARCC. In addition, no comparative baseline costs exist. Accurately assigning costs associated with the accreditations standards is not feasible. In addition, these costs overlap other mandatory reporting which must be done despite accreditation standards."

Whereas, Accreditation standards require a visible and effective connection between planning and budget, revenues, activities, and expenditures;

Whereas, These accreditation expenses and processes are not commonly tracked or documented; and Whereas, A growing number of California community colleges are on accreditation warning or probation;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges recommend to local senates that they consult collegially about their local accreditation process and how that is reflected in the budget process and use this information to hold robust conversations about faculty involvement and costs of accreditation; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges recommend to local senates that the results of this discussion be used locally to evaluate the contributions of these processes and expenditures in order to promote effective use of financial resources and faculty involvement in the accreditation process.

Disposition: Accrediting Commission, Local Senates