Transfer Policy Integrity

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Transfer and Articulation Committee
Articulation and Transfer
Oppose the transfer provision of H.R. 3975 (Hurricane Regulatory Relief Act of 2005, as of October 6, 2005); and urge local senates to discuss the impact of this proposed federal mandate and to take appropriate action.
Status Report

Committee continues to monitor related federal legislation as it affects the transfer credits of colleges.

Whereas, H.R. 3975 (Hurricane Regulatory Relief Act of 2005, as of October 6, 2005), sponsored by Representative Bobby Jindal (R-LA) to provide relief to victims of the recent hurricanes, contains an additional provision that denies colleges and universities the right to set transfer policies;

Whereas, The purpose of this bill is hurricane relief, not higher education policy;

Whereas, Processes and procedures for articulation are already in place; and

Whereas, Intrusive federalized institutional transfer policies are an attack on academic freedom;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges vehemently oppose the transfer provision of H.R. 3975 (Hurricane Regulatory Relief Act of 2005, as of October 6, 2005); and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urge local senates to discuss the impact of this proposed federal mandate and to take appropriate action. MSC Disposition: System Office, Local Senates