Understanding the Impact of Non-Academic Entities on HyFlex Instruction and Preserving the Local Collegial Consultation Process in Determining Local Course Modalities Offerings

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Data and Research Committee
General Concerns

Note: The Resolutions Committee has made edits to this resolution, in consultation with the contact, to increase clarity and to include supporting Title 5 language without changing the original intent.

Whereas, The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the desire for greater distance education course offerings using online and hybrid modalities of instruction, including the “HyFlex” modality that attempts to create a classroom environment that includes fully online and traditional face-to-face options for students within the same section;

Whereas, Universal access to education cannot be addressed by technology alone but requires the commitment of pedagogical adaptation, human facilitation of access, changes to the built environment, and affordability;

Whereas, Numerous concerns over the impact of HyFlex modalities in the classroom have been expressed by faculty and students, including concerns over accessibility, quality of education, surveillance, confidentiality, workload, academic freedom, and student rights; and

Whereas, Concerns have also been expressed by faculty that the technical requirements of HyFlex modalities may encourage the participation of for-profit companies and other non-academic entities whose primary purposes are not student-focused and who may negatively impact the learning environment;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community College conduct expedited research in order to determine the role and prevalence of for-profit technology companies and other non-academic entities in HyFlex course offerings in California’s community colleges and the impact of HyFlex technology on instruction and student learning and present their findings no later than the spring of 2023; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges reaffirm that the processes and approval of distance education courses as an academic and professional matter requiring separate approval, per Title 5 §55206, and any local decisions regarding adding additional distance education modalities must include collegial consultation between the college administration and the local academic senate and curriculum committee.