Adopted Resolutions

Resolution Number Year Session Topic Title Committee Status
07.03 2022 Fall Consultation with the Chancellor's Office Model the Common Course Numbering System and Processes after C-ID C-ID Leadership, Executive Director In Progress
09.02 2022 Spring Curriculum Co-Requisites and Pre-Requisites of Intermediate Algebra and Articulation and C-ID Alignment Curriculum Committee, C-ID Leadership Assigned
09.04 2022 Spring Curriculum Creation of a Separate Transfer Model Curriculum for Women and Gender Studies C-ID Leadership In Progress
03.02 2019 Fall Diversity and Equity Support Infusing Anti-Racism/No Hate Education in Community Colleges ASCCC Assigned
09.02 2019 Fall Curriculum Inclusion of Course Identification Numbers (C-ID) in College Catalogs and Student Transcripts C-ID Leadership Assigned
07.06 2019 Spring Consultation with the Chancellor's Office Accelerate Review of ADT Modifications C-ID Leadership Assigned
15.01 2018 Fall Intersegmental Issues Support for University of California Associate Degrees for Transfer in Physics and Chemistry C-ID Leadership Assigned
07.08 2018 Spring Consultation with the Chancellor's Office Local Determination of Degree Emphasis and Titles for ADT Social Justice Studies: General C-ID Leadership Assigned
09.02 2018 Spring Curriculum Pathways to Meet General Education Requirements of Quantitative Reasoning C-ID Leadership Assigned
11.02 2017 Spring Technology Expansion of the Online Course Exchange ASCCC representatives to OEI, EPI, CAI Assigned
15.02 2016 Fall Intersegmental Issues Approval of Associate Degrees for Transfer That Include Courses Pending C-ID Approval C-ID Leadership Assigned
18.02 2016 Fall Matriculation Validation of Statewide Multiple Measures CAI Representatives Not Addressed
18.03 2016 Fall Matriculation Writing Assessment for the Common Assessment System CAI Representatives In Progress
09.13 2015 Fall Curriculum Develop Descriptors for Alternative Prerequisites for Statistics C-ID Leadership In Progress
09.07 2014 Fall Curriculum Secure Funding to Develop C-ID Course Descriptors for College Preparation Courses C-ID Leadership In Progress
09.10 2014 Fall Curriculum Chancellor’s Office Template Protocols C-ID Leadership Completed
09.11 2014 Fall Curriculum Formalizing Model Curriculum C-ID Leadership In Progress
09.12 2014 Fall Curriculum Support for Allowing Exceptions to Senate Bill 440 Degree Creation Mandates C-ID Leadership Completed
18.01 2014 Fall Matriculation Defining Writing Assessment Practices for California Community Colleges ASCCC representatives to OEI, EPI, CAI Assigned
07.03 2014 Spring Consultation with the Chancellor's Office Mechanism to Ensure That Implementing Transfer Model Curricula Preserves Faculty Intent C-ID Leadership Completed
15.02 2014 Spring Intersegmental Issues Model Curriculum and Nursing C-ID Leadership In Progress
18.02 2014 Spring Matriculation Research the Impact of Offering Priority Registration to Student-Athletes Task Force Assigned
18.01 2013 Fall Matriculation Use of Multiple Measures in Common Statewide Assessment Exams ASCCC representatives to OEI, EPI, CAI Assigned
09.01 2013 Spring Curriculum Investigate Regional Coordination of Course Offerings C-ID Leadership In Progress
19.07 2013 Spring Professional Standards Update the 2002 Paper Part Time Faculty: A Principled Perspective Task Force Assigned