Faculty Evaluation Process

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges endorse the paper "Guidelines For Developing a Faculty Evaluation Process" and urge its use by local academic senates as they consult with local bargaining agents about developing faculty evaluation procedures.

Affirmative Action: Ramifications and Implications of Affirmative Action on Hiring

The faculty via the academic senates has been given augmented authority and responsibility through the mandates of AB 1725, the faculty via the academic senates has acquired augmented authority and responsibility. Effective implementation of the legislative mandates is the prime responsibility of the academic senate(s). Inherent within this authority and responsibility is accountability. "Lip service", and "paper shuffling for compliance" are not surrogates for actual and effective implementation of the affirmative action mandates of AB 1725.

Guidelines for Developing a Faculty Evaluation Process

The Academic Senate encourages faculty evaluation to be done in a non-punitive, collegial atmosphere. Faculty evaluation is a complex process; no single source of data is adequate. The evaluation process should begin with a written self evaluation. This encourages discussion and goal setting, giving increased value to the process. The combined appraisals of students, colleagues, administrators, and faculty member's self assessment are required for reasonably reliable and valid judgments.

Faculty Development Policy Guidelines

California Community College reform has generated a flurry of faculty and staff development questions. The purpose of the Faculty Development Policy Guidelines is to provide a reference source for faculty development issues and concerns. This is not intended as a "how to" resource. Rather, it addresses significant faculty development policy issues and provides guidelines for senate leaders in the interest of maintaining academic and professional integrity.

Contract Education Summary

In 1984, the California Legislature passed AB 3938 (Farr) which authorized a study of contractual education programs in the California Community colleges. The bill also authorized the creation of a task force charged with directing the study and recommending legislation. The Task Force had faculty representation from the Academic Senate (Pam Fisher and Erna Noble), CFT (Martin Hittelman and Robert Hancock), CTA (Donald Attore and Fred Horn), and FACCC (Les Birdsall) as well as from administration and business.

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