Categorical Funding for Library and Learning Resources

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Transfer, Articulation, and Student Services Committee
Library and Learning Resources
Reaffirm its position regarding the issue of categorical funding for library and learning resources programs, and persist in recommending categorical funding for library and learning resource programs in the colleges.

Recommend to the Board of Governors that it conduct a study session on the proposed recommendations contained in the California Research Bureau 1996 Legislative report and develop strategies to augment library and learning resources budgets as stated in the Program Improvement Section of Title 5.
Status Report

This resolution is no longer relevant as ASCCC continues to advocate for sufficient funding for all programs. If a study session was not recommended or conducted 10 years ago, doing so at this time would be a belated effort and probably no longer relevant.

Whereas California Community College library and learning resource programs are essential to student retention and success, and

Whereas a 1996 legislative report (California Research Bureau report #96-002) has documented the magnitude of continued understanding of library and learning resource program collections, and

Whereas previous Academic Senate resolutions (9.3 S88 and 8.5 F88) have supported categorical funding for libraries and learning resource programs, and

Whereas the Chancellor's Office of the California Community Colleges has not taken steps to stabilize or augment collections as stated in Program Improvement Language (Item 13 Title 5);

Resolved that the Academic Senate reaffirm its position regarding the issue of categorical funding for library and learning resources programs, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate persist in recommending categorical funding for library and learning resource programs in the colleges, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate recommend to the Board of Governors that it conduct a study session on the proposed recommendations contained in the California Research Bureau 1996 Legislative report and develop strategies to augment library and learning resources budgets as stated in the Program Improvement Section of Title 5.