Development of Teaching Institute

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Faculty Development
Explore the development of a teaching institute, with the focused goal of providing faculty development and resources to support and strengthen faculty in working effectively with students toward achieving their educational goals.
Status Report

The Teaching Institute has changed to a professional development institute and is held annually. Each year the Executive Committee selects a topics for the event and the standing committee which will coordinate the event.

Whereas, The Academic Senate for the California Community Colleges is already a major provider of faculty development through its Vocational Education, Technology, Curriculum, and Leadership Institutes; and

Whereas, There is a need for a faculty development program that specifically focuses on the development of the classroom teacher, including issues of teaching philosophy, classroom techniques, and pedagogy;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate explore the development of a teaching institute, with the focused goal of providing faculty development and resources to support and strengthen faculty in working effectively with students toward achieving their educational goals.