Faculty Senate President Compensation During the Summer

Resolution Number
Assigned to
General Concerns

Whereas, Local senate presidents need to serve as the official spokespersons and advocates for the faculty in academic and professional matters throughout the year, including the summer;

Whereas, Local faculty senate presidents often need to meet with college/district presidents/superintendents/chancellors, vice-presidents and other administrators during the summer;

Whereas, Involvement of local faculty senate presidents in decisions made during the summer can reduce conflict between faculty and administration; and

Whereas, Local faculty senate presidents need to be vigilant over the development of reports such as matriculation, technology and Partnership for Excellence, as they move through administrative channels during the summer;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges support compensation by their college or district of local faculty senate presidents for their work during the summer, above and beyond what they already receive for their governance role during the regular academic year.