Support Equity-Minded Funding That Relies on Locally Identified Goals

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Consultation with the Chancellor's Office

Whereas, The 2018-2019 Governor’s Budget Trailer Bill Language (February 20, 2018) proposes a new “student centered” college funding formula with metrics[1] including the number of disadvantaged students and number of completions that may result in competition among the 114 California community colleges for funds;

Whereas, The proposed performance-based model funding is in disagreement with Academic Senate for California Community Colleges positions opposing performance-based funding models, including Resolution 5.01 S11 on success-based metrics that asserts “that any such proposed funding modifications should be additive and above base funding”; and

Whereas, The proposed funding formula in the 2018-2019 Governor’s Budget Trailer Bill Language (February 20, 2018) calls for system-wide consultation in developing criteria and standards for making the annual budget requests;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges work with the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office and system partners to establish equity-minded funding approaches that rely primarily on progress toward locally identified goals while ensuring access for all students and maintaining instructional quality and rigor.


1. pp 2-5:…