Sustainability Curriculum

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Disabled Faculty
Support discussions among community college faculty and with colleagues from the University of California and California State University about the development of sustainability curriculum. Offer breakouts on the development of sustainability curriculum in career technical education, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, and liberal arts areas at the Spring 2009 Plenary Session.
Status Report

The Spring 2009 breakout called for in the resolution was held. A subsequent resolution S09 1.04 is assigned to the president.

Whereas, There is now national recognition of a global emergency in terms of climate change and other environmental threats;

Whereas, California has taken a leading role in addressing these threats through legislation, such as AB 32 (2006);

Whereas, There is a growing demand in our communities for both informed citizens and for trained workers in the emerging green economy; and

Whereas, A plethora of career technical education and science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, and liberal arts courses, programs, and certificates have been created across the state without any mechanism for sharing ideas and information;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges strongly support discussions among community college faculty and with colleagues from the University of California and California State University about the development of sustainability curriculum; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges offer breakouts on the development of sustainability curriculum in career technical education, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, and liberal arts areas at the Spring 2009 Plenary Session.

Disposition: Local Senates