Technology Sessions

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Technology Committee
Status Report

There are three general sessions on technology issues, the Foundation bus will be there for hands on, and a keynote speaker was at the Fall 1997 Plenary Session. The Committee continues to organize and present the "Technology Room" at session. In the last year, the Committee arranged nice hand-on technology presentations and facilitated a tenth session from the Counseling Issues Committee. In addition broader technology issues such as the instructor contact paper and state technology plans have been presented in regular breakout sessions. At the Spring 1999 Plenary Session, three additional technology presentations were made using videoconference equipment in collaboration with Pacific Bell. The second annual "Technology for Teaching" Institute will be held in Monterey in June 1999, in conjunction with the @ONE project. This was Executive Committee's preferred response to the call for additional concentrated time for technology at plenary sessions.

Whereas to meet the challenges of the 2lst century the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges has recognized the importance and significance of technology by having breakouts and technology demonstration rooms at sessions, and

Whereas session technology breakouts and demonstrations, while helpful, have nevertheless been fragmented because of lack of time,

Resolved that the Academic Senate show its commitment to the importance of technology in community colleges by doing any or all of the following at a plenary session no later than Spring 1998:
a. Devote at a minimum one half day to technology breakouts covering issues such as copyright, funding, teaching methods for Internet classes, virtual universities and colleges, and fears and concerns as relating to technology proliferation at colleges, and
b. Have keynote speakers and general sessions devoted to technology
c. Devote a full day workshop to "how to" demonstrations and hands-on workshops in such areas as World Wide Web access and creating web pages, Internet access and Internet college courses, and related topics and issues.