
Inclusion of all Counseling Faculty in General Counseling Activities

Whereas counseling programs, as related to the mission of the community colleges, are critical to assure that students achieve their educational and career goals, and

Whereas counseling faculty, regardless of their assignment (EOPS, DSP&S, CalWORKs), must meet the minimum qualifications for employment in California community colleges, as stipulated in Title 5 Regulations, and

Whereas all counseling faculty must have access to training and development in the counseling discipline,

CSU Advisory Council

Whereas the 1998-99 academic year is being called "The Year of the Transfer," and

Whereas the California Community Colleges and the University of California have entered into an Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to increase the number of students who transfer from California Community Colleges to the University of California by 33% and the Chancellor's Office has indicated that future MOUs with California State University and private colleges will be forthcoming, and


Whereas, California community college students need accurate and timely information for the development of an effective educational plan; and

Whereas, The climate for community college students includes additional stress from the economy, world affairs and reduced resources in the community for mental health, which impact their success;

Athletic Counselors

Whereas athletes have special eligibility requirements placed upon them by local, state, and national organizations,

Resolved that the Academic Senate support the concept that each college should have a trained academic athletic counselor/faculty advisor, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate recommend to local senates that they work with their counseling and athletic departments to ensure that athletes receive academic advising and counseling from a trained academic athletic counselor/faculty advisor.

Create a Standing Committee for Counseling and Library Faculty Issues

Whereas academic and professional counseling and library issues have either been addressed in the Academic
Senate by ad hoc Library and Counseling Committees between 1988-199 1 or the current Counseling and Library issues Subcommittee since 1993, and

Whereas these are unique professional and academic issues that have been most effectively addressed when these ad hoc committees have existed,

Career Counseling and One-Stop Career Center

Whereas career counseling addresses the needs of the whole person, encompassing academic, personal, and career issues beginning with self awareness, moving to career exploration, goal setting with a timeline, and implementation of a career plan, and

Whereas community colleges teach career planning as a continuous process of identifying and re-appraising one's options in light of changing job markets and personal needs as one progresses through life and career transitions,

Use of Paraprofessionals to Perform Counseling Activities

Whereas the delivery of counseling services to students, based on the student development model, which includes the development of student education plans and interpretation of career assessment information, by law is the primary function of counseling faculty who meet the minimum qualifications and,

Whereas the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges adopted (F94) the position paper "The Role of Counseling Faculty in California Community Colleges," which affirms the professional role of counseling faculty,

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