
Internet-based Instruction

Whereas faculty are increasingly involved in development and use of electronic material, and

Whereas expansion of Internet-based instruction and communication via e-mail has created new venues for the use of such electronic material, and

Whereas protection of faculty rights to their own materials and the fair use of materials developed by others has both academic and workload implications,

Senate and Technology

Whereas modern technology could be a powerful tool for local senates in fulfilling their Title 5 responsibilities, and

Whereas there is State money to enhance local senate use of technology, but often faculty cannot access this money to meet senate needs, and

Whereas the extent of technology available at each college is not known,

Resolved that the Academic Senate direct the Executive Committee to survey local senates regarding technology availability at each college such as e-mail, Internet courses, WebPages, etc., and

New Calendar for Technological Age

Whereas technological advances have brought into question the efficacy of traditional community college calendars based on outmoded concepts like the Carnegie unit, seat time, and "shared air,"

Resolved that the Academic Senate direct the Executive Committee to study and report on models of instructional calendars that, like those of other institutions of higher education, are reflective of technologically influenced modes of instructional delivery and that consider community colleges part of higher education as envisioned in AB 1725.

Effective Instructor-Student Contact in Distance Learning

Whereas there are issues related to distance learning that are properly the purview of collective bargaining and some areas that are relevant to pedagogy and academic and professional issues,

Resolved that the Academic Senate direct the Executive Committee to develop a paper, in collaboration with our collective bargaining colleagues covering such areas as faculty load, class size, compensation and related issues, with regard to distance learning and teaching, and

TTIP Faculty Training Funding

Whereas the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges consults on policies for faculty professional development activities, and

Whereas California community colleges receive Telecommunications and Technology Infrastructure Program (TTIP) money for faculty training and professional development, and

Whereas the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges is confident that Telecommunications and Technology Infrastructure Program (TTIP) money will continue for future years,

Technology Support Plans

Whereas the growth of technology is occurring at an astounding rate, and this technology has profound effects on teaching in classrooms, classroom presentations, and educational programs, and

Whereas the true cost of technology to a campus includes the ongoing cost of technical support, and

Whereas the Internet has become an essential educational tool for faculty and students in schools from kindergarten through high school and universities, and

Whereas community college faculty and students need Internet access as well;

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