Academic Senate

Expand the Use of Caucuses

Whereas, Resolution S09 1.05 called for the creation of Diversity Caucuses and processes to allow for and support faculty Diversity Caucuses;

Whereas, other groups of faculty may also benefit from the use of caucuses to provide advocacy and input to the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges; and

Whereas, The Academic Senate values all faculty voices and should provide opportunity for all to collaborate on issues of interest and importance to all faculty;

Creation of Diversity Caucuses

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges has a demonstrated commitment to diversity through its committees such as the Equity and Diversity Action Committee (EDAC), actions, and initiatives as stated in the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Diversity Policy and Executive Committee Code of Ethics (2006);

Creation of a Sustainability Task Force

Whereas, Environmental sustainability is a complex and profound issue, and initiatives that will impact our communities must and be addressed more systematically by California community colleges;

Whereas, Environmental sustainability has wide curriculum implications, involving new course and program development in environmental and green technologies as well as the infusion of sustainability themes within existing courses;

Outreach and Recruitment Committee

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Nominations Ad Hoc Committee has been charged with expanding the pool of faculty volunteers for Academic Senate committees and other related statewide service;

Whereas, The work of the Nominations Committee has focused on identifying new ways to make faculty across the state aware of opportunities for statewide service and communicating the nature and benefits of the various service opportunities; and

Resources for Leadership Training

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges has several resolutions directing it to provide leadership development opportunities for faculty;

Whereas, Colleges have hired many new faculty recently, and new people are assuming leadership positions with limited knowledge and understanding of the Academic Senate and the roles that faculty play in collegial governance;

Establishment of New Local and District Senates

Whereas, Many colleges are in the process of seeking accreditation for academic centers and the accreditation process requires that a local academic senate be formed before accreditation can be granted;

Whereas, Multi-college districts are also considering how best to form district academic senates and often seek advice about how best to work together to form local district senates; and

Whereas, New colleges and academic centers will need to establish participatory governance policies;

Database of Policies and Procedures

Whereas, Local senates often spend an inordinate amount of time addressing the same issues in devising or revising policies and procedures that other senates have already addressed;

Whereas, One of the functions of the Academic Senate is to provide resources to support local senates; and

Whereas, The creation of an easily accessible database of sample policies and procedures would facilitate the exchange of information among the California community colleges, and save valuable senate time;

Assistance for Local Senates

Whereas, Local senates face a range of problems involving shared governance, fiscal and legal challenges, and others;

Whereas, There exists a wide range of assistance to help local senates with such problems, from technical visits, to appeals, to the California Community College System Office;

Whereas, The circumstances and processes for enlisting such assistance vary and are not necessarily clear to local senates; and

Whereas, Current forms of assistance may not meet the needs of all local senates;

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