Academic Senate

Continued Development of Faculty Vision Statement

Whereas the Vision statement is a good start for developing a faculty vision, and

Whereas the Vision statement deserves full deliberative consideration by local academic senates,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges accept the "Faculty Vision for California Community Colleges" statement developed by the September 8-9,1995Senate/FACCC Vision Conference, and

Academic Calendar

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges recommend to the Board of Governors that it review the academic calendar for California community colleges and institute alterations including expansion of experimental calendars, it finds appropriate.
M/S/C Disposition: Board of Governors. Chancellors Office. Executive Committee

Standing Committee for New Technology

Whereas technology is constantly changing, and

Whereas faculty recognize that access to technological innovations is important in the teaching and learning process,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges direct the Executive Committee to form an Academic Senate standing committee on technology.
M/S/C Disposition: Executive Committee

Rostrum Shared Governance Articles

Whereas the Academic Senate ROSTRUM is a printed communication to the local community college senates, and

Whereas the ROSTRUM is an excellent vehicle for informing the local senates on the status of shared governance, and

Whereas many times it is discouraging to work with our local campuses on shared governance, and

Whereas it would be uplifting to hear about the breakthroughs that occur at different campuses concerning shared governance,

Resolution Process

Whereas the resolution voting process is fast paced confusing and intimidating, and

Whereas new delegates are reluctant to participate in this process,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges direct the Executive Committee to draft a quick reference information sheet describing the resolution process to be included in conference packets.
M/S/C Disposition: Executive Committee

Resolution Report

Whereas the process whereby delegates generate and process resolutions is the most tune and attention-consuming activity within Academic Senate sessions, and

Whereas follow-up on resolutions adopted and referred to external or internal bodies is not known to the senate members at large, and

Whereas a continuing record of action taken/not taken on the resolutions during the period following Senate adoption would be valuable to the membership in determining future needs, and

Research Positions for Academic Senate

Whereas the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges does not have the capability to provide research and data collection to substantiate positions on issues of substance.

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges direct the Executive Committee to develop a Budget Change Proposal that will provide two research positions, support staff and equipment to conduct vital research exclusively for the Academic Senate.
M/S/U Disposition: Chancellor's Office. Executive Committee

Improving the Resolution Voting Process

Whereas there have been approximately 50 resolutions submitted on the day before voting in both 1994 Fall and 1994 Spring sessions, which represents approximately 70 percent of the total resolutions for each session, and

Whereas there is only an hour to review these resolutions prior to voting on the final day of session, and

Whereas delegates have not had time to discuss the issues with their constituencies,

Resolved that all new resolutions submitted on the second day of session be held to the next session unless the resolution is of an urgent nature, and

Presidential Term of Office

Whereas the duties and responsibilities of being president of the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges are very time consuming, and

Whereas it is crucial that there be continuity in the leadership of the Academic Senate,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges instruct the Executive Committee to write a proposal to amend the Senate Bylaws, making the term of the president a two-year term, and

Program Review Advice

Whereas Title 5 requires every district to develop and implement program review, and

Whereas the faculty desire a consistent; quality program review process in the California Community Colleges, and

Whereas the purpose of program review is to strengthen the educational delivery system,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges direct the Executive Committee to make available, to local senates requesting them, appropriate program review models, and

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