Local Senates

Senate Funding

Resolved that, in order to facilitate the implementation of the legislature's mandate as contained in AB 1725, the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urge the Board of Governors to propose that districts fund local academic senates for the following:

1. Committee members' compensation or reassigned time,

2. Secretarial services and office supplies,

3. Travel and conference funds for senate business, and

4. Expenses of the senate president.

Non-Credit Faculty

Whereas the passage of AB 1725 has brought the reform process to community college credit instruction, but it is not entirely clear how such reforms will apply to community college non-credit instruction, and

Whereas discussion of reforms specific to non-credit instruction was deferred so that AB 1725 could move out of the discussion stage and into legislation, and

Whereas there are 15 community college districts that offer substantial non-credit programs, and

Whereas the Californians for Community Colleges has

Board of Governors Policy

Whereas AB 1725 mandates that faculty assume increased responsibilities in college governance, and

Whereas AB 1725 provides that program improvement funds can be spent on reassigned time for faculty to accomplish the reforms of the legislation (Section 84755 (B)(19)), and

Whereas the Board of Governors is mandated to develop policies and guidelines for strengthening the role of local academic senates (Section 61 (a)),

Intersegmental Concerns

Whereas AB 1725 mandates a new role in intersegmental cooperation for the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges, and

Whereas AB 1725 mandates a new leadership role for local senates in local governance,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urge that local senates bring to the attention of the Academic Senate local academic concerns of an intersegmental nature.

Senate Role in Governance

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges ask the Executive Committee to organize workshops that focus on the senate role in governance (Education Code Section 70902), and

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges request that workshop participants develop recommendations for strengthening the role of academic senates pursuant to Section 61 of AB 1725.

Graduate Students

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges direct the Executive Committee to develop models for implementing Section 66 of AB 1725, which permits UC/CSU graduate students to teach in the community colleges, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate include in these models, developed pursuant to Section 66 of AB 1725, successful programs already in existence and include the recommendation that the graduate students teach under the supervision of a tenured faculty member in the relevant discipline, and

Noncredit Instruction and Shared Governance

Whereas the principle of shared governance means that those who are governed participate in the governance, and

Whereas many noncredit faculty teach, counsel, or provide library services in districts where there is scant provision for their self-representation on professional and academic matters,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges work with noncredit faculty and local senates to ensure that noncredit faculty are fully represented on local senates.

Strengthening Local Senates

Whereas according to AB 1725 the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges shall by Jan. 1, 1990, "develop policies and guidelines to strengthen local senates,"

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges adopt the papers concerning strengthening local senates, "Policies For Strengthening Local Academic Senates," and "Academic Senate Policy for Strengthening Local Academic Senates."

Reassigned Time

Whereas local academic senates must and are assuming new roles and responsibilities,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges recommend to each local district that each local senate receive at least two full time equivalents of reassigned time to be distributed by the local senate.

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