Adopted Resolutions

Resolution Number Year Session Topic Title Committee Status
03.01 2018 Fall Diversity and Equity Non-binary Gender Option on CCCApply Telecommunications and Technology Advisory Assigned
19.03 2006 Spring Professional Standards Academic Freedom and the 60% Law Unassigned Completed
19.01 2005 Spring Professional Standards Local Policies on Academic Freedom Unassigned Completed
19.01 2003 Spring Professional Standards Student Removal Unassigned Not Addressed
19.02 1999 Spring Professional Standards Part-time Faculty Issues: Comprehensive Solutions Study Unassigned Completed
19.04 2002 Spring Professional Standards Peer Review Unassigned Completed
03.01 1991 Fall Diversity and Equity Cultural Diversity Workshops Unassigned Assigned
03.02 1991 Fall Diversity and Equity Student Equity Report Unassigned Assigned
03.03 1991 Fall Diversity and Equity Response to "Affirmative Action Regulations - A Response" Unassigned Assigned
1 1991 Fall Diversity and Equity Amendment to "Affirmative Action Regulations - A Response" Unassigned Assigned
11.01 1991 Fall Professional Standards Not-For-Credit Instructor Qualifications Unassigned Assigned
11.02 1991 Fall Professional Standards Contract Education Unassigned Assigned
11.03 1991 Fall Professional Standards Administrative Evaluations Unassigned Assigned
2 1991 Fall Diversity and Equity Amendment to "Affirmative Action Regulations - A Response" Unassigned Assigned
6 1991 Fall Diversity and Equity Response to "Affirmative Action Regulations - A Response" Unassigned Assigned
02.01 1991 Spring Diversity and Equity Affirmative Action Workshops Unassigned Assigned
07.01 1991 Spring Professional Standards Paper on Hiring Effective Faculty Unassigned Assigned
07.02 1991 Spring Professional Standards Graduate Students Teaching in California Community Colleges Unassigned Assigned
07.03 1991 Spring Professional Standards Basic Skills Committee Report Unassigned Assigned
07.04 1991 Spring Professional Standards Basic Skills Committee Unassigned Assigned
07.05 1991 Spring Professional Standards Disciplines: Child Development Center Specialists Unassigned Assigned
07.06 1991 Spring Professional Standards Disciplines: Other Unidentified Non-teaching Positions Unassigned Assigned
07.07 1991 Spring Professional Standards Disciplines List Revisions Unassigned Assigned
07.08 1991 Spring Professional Standards Minimum Qualifications - Noncredit Unassigned Assigned
07.09 1991 Spring Professional Standards TESL Certificate Availability Unassigned Assigned