Adopted Resolutions

Resolution Number Year Session Topic Title Sort descending Committee Status
02.03 1987 Fall Accreditation "Approved" Institutions Unassigned Assigned
07.01 1994 Spring Consultation with the Chancellor's Office "No Confidence" in Chancellor Mertes Unassigned Assigned
11.01 2000 Spring Technology "Technology in Education: A Summary of Practical Policy and Workload Language" Executive Director Completed
13.03 1992 Fall Students $50 Fee Unassigned Assigned
13.04 1992 Fall Students $50 Fee Unassigned Assigned
05.03 1991 Fall Faculty Development 1992 Leadership Institute Unassigned Assigned
09.02 1994 Spring Disciplines List 1996 Disciplines Review Unassigned Assigned
02.02 1990 Fall Diversity and Equity 30% Ethnic Minority Hires Unassigned Assigned
11.03 2001 Fall Technology 4CNET Unassigned Ongoing
15.01 2002 Fall Intersegmental Issues 4CSU Dual Admissions Program Unassigned Ongoing
06.02 2000 Fall State and Legislative Issues 50% Law Unassigned Completed
05.01 1991 Spring Legislation 50% Law Unassigned Assigned
10.03 1989 Fall Legislation 50% Law Unassigned Assigned
11.03 1990 Spring Budget and Finance 50% Law Expansion Unassigned Assigned
01.05 1992 Spring Academic Senate 50% Law--Counselors and Librarians Unassigned Assigned
01.04 1992 Spring Academic Senate 50% Law--Librarians and Counselors Unassigned Assigned
02.01 1989 Spring Accreditation 6 Year Comprehensive Study Unassigned Assigned
19.04 1994 Fall Professional Standards 75:25 Survey Unassigned Assigned
13.13 1995 Spring General Concerns 75/25 Calculation Unassigned Assigned
13.04 2002 Fall General Concerns 75/25 Ratio Unassigned Ongoing
21.01 1994 Spring 75/25 Concerns 75/25 Ratio Unassigned Assigned
19.04 1998 Fall Professional Standards 75/25 Ratio Unassigned Ongoing
19.07 1997 Fall Professional Standards 75/25 Statistics Investigation Unassigned Completed
19.02 1998 Spring Professional Standards 75/25: Progress without Legislation Unassigned Completed
12.01 1995 Spring Faculty Development 9th Authorized Use Unassigned Assigned